I know because Mama Sara's black and white sits on my desk over 50 years later...
Wife. Mama. Photographer. Mentor. Friend. Capturing memories because these snapshots
Okay – so there is no way you know me without knowing about Creative @ Heart!
I found Creative @ Heart in 2016 as a baby business owner… sitting alone on my couch… FEELING alone and scared and confused and COMPLETELY unsure if I could ACTUALLY make this business thing work!
We had just moved, and were saving to build our (current) house, I had a 2&4 year old, and I had JUST opened my studio downtown and was trying desperately to figure out outsourcing, team members, bookkeeping, what my marketing would look like – what EVERYTHING would look like! I had no one to turn to, no one to ask the hard questions, and no friends that were their own full time businesses like mine. Let’s be real – it can be HARD sometimes! Fun – totally worth it – but challenging – especially in the beginning!
…and it changed EVERYTHING in my business!! Apparently I was not the only one. Rewind a few years back… and my insanely talented friend Kat Schmoyer founded Creative @ Heart Conference to bring creatives from ALL industries together (bloggers, photographers, wedding planners, site designers… etc.) into ONE conference to help with #allthebusinessthings! I have attended Round 6 in Memphis, Round 8, and I was lucky enough to be able to serve on the C@H TEAM for Round 9 as the Instagram Coordinator! I worked BTS throughout last year with Kat, Emily & Laura, and then I absolutely loved documenting the BTS of the actual R9 conference! I’ll be working the ‘gram for Round 10 this year as well (YAY!!) Round 10 Details JUST went live yesterday and tickets went on sale LAST NIGHT! They will NOT last long!! (Hop over to https://round10.creativeatheartconference.com/ to get info & snag your ticket!!)
The C@H Team/Staff and Volunteers at R9!
Those are REAL LEMONS in that case. REAL LEMONS. And you need to do yourself a favor and watch the video of how they got in there on C@H’s R9 IG Highlights!
The drive up was good last year!
If you’re interested in attending Creative @ Heart (which sells out SUPER FAST), the secret to getting a seat is TIMING!! You have to snag your ticket during launch week!! Seats are now available for Round 10 and we don’t know how long they’ll last! This is C@H’s ONLY in-person experience for 2020! They tend to sell out RIDICULOUSLY fast — so do what I did four years ago and just CLICK THAT BUTTON! Register! You will not regret going — the lifelong friendships, amazing heart connections, and brilliant biz content will change your LIFE!!! Below are some links I think you’ll find helpful – I hope to see you at Round 10!!
C@H ROUND 10: https://round10.creativeatheartconference.com/
SITE || https://creativeatheartconference.com/
BLOG || https://creativeatheartconference.com/blog
INSTA || https://www.instagram.com/creativeatheart/
I know because Mama Sara's black and white sits on my desk over 50 years later...
Wife. Mama. Photographer. Mentor. Friend. Capturing memories because these snapshots
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