I love my studio to be presentable, neat and tidy! I am seeking a warm, welcoming team member to oversee the studio 1 day per week.
A person best fit for this position would be welcoming to any Studio guests (and make them feel at home!), and keep our entire studio clean, neat and presentable.

Here are some of the responsibilities & duties:
- Communicate lists of needed cleaning & packaging products via Trello
- Keep packaging materials organized and cleaned
- Keep front of store presentable, neat, tidy & clean (swept, dusted, mopped)
- Clean interior windows
- Light candle
- Keep displays fresh, clean and updated
- Keep any shelves organized and tidy
- Professional Dress (comfortable, but presentable)
- Willing to take images for Instagram & Instagram Stories of Studio updates
- I need this person to record and send walk-in client inquiries to me, and and knowledgeably explain our brochure when needed
- Have a smartphone and be able to communicate in Trello

Think you’re a great fit?! Yay!!
I currently need Wednesday hours from 10AM-2PM.

Thank you!!
till next time,
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