I know because Mama Sara's black and white sits on my desk over 50 years later...
Wife. Mama. Photographer. Mentor. Friend. Capturing memories because these snapshots
Hey friends! Meet my biz bestie, Amber!! She and her husband and their sweet toddler Beckett are based in Tallahassee!
She works out of her home, and they have recently pulled Beckett out of daycare to keep him safe during this pandemic. Adjusting to life at home – and trying to run a business at home- WITH a toddler has proven to be quite the challenge! As I’m sure many of you are feeling! I asked Amber to give us some PRACTICAL, QUICK TIPS to help encourage you if you’re in this season of life, and experiencing something similar!
I want to start off by saying Becca is one of my dearest photography friends! We talk at least every couple of days and check in with each other, encourage each other, and vent when we need to. Sometimes we feel like we have it all together, and other days we’re just in tears.
I was so honored when Becca asked me to be a guest blogger for her inspiring Encouragement Series. I’m not going to lie, when she asked me to discuss what it’s like working from home with a toddler, I asked her, “are you sure you want ME to do that?”
Listen, I love my little blonde headed boy more than life itself. And I love our time together. But I have to level the playing field here.
As much as I always dreamed of being a stay-at-home-mama (before I became a parent, haha!), I saw that wasn’t for me soon after having Beckett.
I am a full time wedding + portrait photographer, and learned early on in motherhood that I need space. Space to create (my business is one of my biggest passions + stress relievers), space to breathe, space for self care. Some may call it selfish, and call it what you may, but I have learned that I am a better mama, a better wife, and a better business owner when I have space.
I felt an incredible amount of guilt when I decided to send Beckett to daycare at 9 months old. I cried many tears of guilt with myself. But it was the BEST thing for our family. Beckett will be two in August, and he LOVES being at school. He thrives in that environment- loves his friends, teachers, structure, and the environment. It makes our times in the evenings + weekends SO much more special, and we are all better for it.
Well, throw in this crazy chaos that has hit all over the world, and all of our lives have been turned upside down. We made the decision to pull Beckett from daycare until this is all over to keep him healthy + safe. My husband is now working remote from home, which is a blessing that he has a job, but it’s not always easy! He works in IT for hospitals, so is having to be on the phone all day in our guest bedroom/my office. So we are having to keep Beckett as quiet as possible so my husband can work.
All this to say, going from a full time working mama and having full time childcare to being thrown into a full time working at home mama to a toddler has been challenging.
I think God is using this time to work on my heart. To slow down, to really focus on enjoying this toddler season, even though it can be so tough. Some days I feel like super-mama because I feel like I have it all together. We’re having so much fun, playing outside, doing activities, and everyone is happy.
Then there are other days (like today) where I lost my cool before 7am. I texted Becca early this morning, needing encouragement. She told me, this isn’t just YOU, mama. I’ve been there during this quarantine. Remember we’re going on week three of being together non-stop and breaking points are happening, because we LOVE them.
That’s the truth I needed to hear this morning.
I don’t have it all together. I’m not that wonderful Work from Home Mama. But here’s what I’m doing that has been so helpful, and I hope it’s encouraging to you if you’re going through this same season.
I may not have all the answers, but I’m always here to listen, as I am in the same boat, mama! Just remember, this too shall pass!
You’ve got this, sister! Cheering you on!
Amber is an incredible natural light wedding photographer based in Tallahassee, Florida!
I know because Mama Sara's black and white sits on my desk over 50 years later...
Wife. Mama. Photographer. Mentor. Friend. Capturing memories because these snapshots
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