I know because Mama Sara's black and white sits on my desk over 50 years later...
Wife. Mama. Photographer. Mentor. Friend. Capturing memories because these snapshots
I’ve never thought of myself as a teacher. I’m a creative…a photographer, right? Looking back at the last few years, I see now how God has brought me to a place of insatiable learning and, in the process, given me a heart for education. Here’s a little about my story of how we got here!
Last summer Joey and I had just signed papers to build our home … a long journey! We had worked for years to be able to start building our home. Joey and I finally signed THE papers and it was the biggest relief and excitement I had felt in years. I had spent so many years designing it, and the home was finally becoming a reality! With that off my plate, I knew it was also time to get my business in order. It had been a successful season, but internally it felt tumultuous. I was booking the bookings, contributing financially to our family, and I was at a point where I was able to outsource all of my major pain points…. like accounting and taxes. (Hallalujahhhhhhh!) My business was running and it was running well! I did not, however, have a good grip on my current marketing and advertising (and for a Marketing major… this doesn’t fly). I did not feel I had the why behind all my social media postings, or a goal to work toward.
The WHY is imperative to me. I follow some incredible business women who clearly have a why and a direction. One of my core strengths is FOCUS, but there is a shadow side to this strength (thank you Laura): I find that when I can’t realign and wake up everyday to know my purpose and my why behind all the business things I’m doing, I freeze and have a very hard time just taking one step forward. Everything I do needs to be tied to bigger purpose. In my photography business, I had hit my photography skill goals, my sales goals, and my growth goals …. and I hit them all faster than I thought I ever could. I had created a unique business through in-person sales that was benefiting my family in all the ways I needed it to! However, I knew my website could be more efficient, I knew my marketing strategy should be more consistent, and I knew my my email system, my Instagram and Facebook accounts needed more consistency and recharging. I craved a systematic schedule for all my output: all the pretty things in my business and information. I also felt a pull in a new direction… we’ll talk about that later 😉
Here’s a peek at our brand board by Megan Martin!
So…. last July, I was sitting in my bedroom in our last home, and I was SO happy! We had just been approved for our new house and it was about to be built! Y‘all. This was a BIG DEAL! (More on that later!)
Then, my business received what would be the biggest blessing! I received a newsletter email from Kat Schmoyer (whom I had met at the Memphis Creative @ Heart Conference in 2016), about Megan Martin and a website that converts to sales…not just a normal slap-it-up, show some photos, pretty website. Immediately I was intrigued. It had been in my head and in my heart for years to have an amazing website. I wanted my site to be able to sell for me and answer questions for me without fear of losing a client and without having to interrupt my time with my girls and Joey. That was becoming a real issue for my little growing biz — weekend calls, dinnertime texts, late night calls for photo print orders….. I think most of us have been at that same place as entrepreneurs! I knew I had to do something to protect my family time.
This was in the email!
I was ready for a better way. Kat was sharing about Megan’s awesome conversion rate, and I had heard of her, but I didn’t realize that she had been a member of our small little prayer group at Creative @ Heart Round 6! So random! (I remember her colors for her branding- so gorgeous!)
Check us out in 2016! This was at my first Creative @ Heart Conference in Memphis, that November!
Meg’s on the far left, and I’m second from the right.
Okay! Back to it. After I emailed Meg, in the interim, some of my best friends had allowed me to take a few days at their beach house to unwind and refocus on the business and my future goals & direction. While I was there, I did some DEEP thinking and clarity searching, and then Megan and I started exploring packages. I knew her custom package was a big investment, but after some prayer and lots of discussion with Joey, we prayed about whether it would be the right one for us and for the vision I have moving forward in the business.
On a more practical, day to day side of things: I dreaded the back end of my website, I did not know how to blog efficiently, I did not know how to maximize SEO, and all the other things I should have been doing to grow my reach. I definitely wasn’t sharing my work regularly or with ANY consistency. (Enneagram Type 1 here… that stresses me OUT, y’all!! Ha!) I wanted an example of an effective and successful way to do all of that. Once I started following and reading blog posts from Megan, I was like WOW! I could NOT have been more impressed. This lady takes basic info…. and literally converts them into websites that converts to sales!
When I spoke to Megan, I told her that if I’m going to do this, I’m going to do this right… so that was that! We jumped into this experience and haven’t looked back!
I hired Laura Foote to shoot our Branding Photos, and I LOVED them! She and Megan came to the studio in our little Perry Town! Megan styled the ENTIRE shoot, and Laura shot everything! Here’s a peek from that day at the Studio in December!
Megan styled the Studio perfectly!
Mama Sara’s Brooch & Earrings, and a few shots from our sweet session with Jenny Cruger Photography in 2016.
Ohhhh, my Emmie.
More about the girls & their part in the story will come in our next Blog Post!
This sweet girl here was my very FIRST Birth Story, and I have LOVED watching her grow over the years!!
(She’s about to be a big sissy herself… YAY!!)
LOVED every minute of it!! If you’re considering a professional Branding Shoot for your business, with the right photographer – I can’t recommend it ENOUGH!! It was so worth it!!
Lots more to come soon weekly, actually… now that Meg has me on a schedule 😉
till next time
I know because Mama Sara's black and white sits on my desk over 50 years later...
Wife. Mama. Photographer. Mentor. Friend. Capturing memories because these snapshots
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